Our Core Tenets: The Origin Story

When I was in high school, my stepfather — one of the greatest people of all time — was constantly trying to guide me in the right direction. I can’t imagine how he must have felt watching me make questionable decision after questionable decision, knowing how easy it could have been to just… not. I received what I like to call “life lessons” my entire life, but the messaging was always evolving. This particular period — and it was a lengthy one — is what I like to call “The Laminated Years.”

His unwritten rule was to always be up for adventure.

Everything was laminated. Remember when Baz Luhrmann read that speech by Mary Schmich and they put it on the radio? The one about wearing sunscreen? Laminated. Steps for changing a tire? Laminated — and pocket sized for ease of travel.

When Duane found this in our files, I was thrilled. This particular message had so many exclamation points you can practically hear the exasperation in his voice. I don’t know what particular challenge I was providing at the time, but I can say I don’t remember him ever being the type to over-use an exclamation point, so it must have been terrible.

He didn’t need to worry, I’d been living by these rules, by his example, for years. And now, VOKSEE lives by these rules as well. Exclamation points no longer necessary.

Always do your share, and a little more. Be prompt. Always keep your word.

People: Your family, your friends, your elders, and most of all, yourself.

Property: Public property, private property and personal property.

Laws of local, state and federal government. Social Custom.

Feelings: Caring about others and how they are affected by your actions. Never putting another down — for any reason.

Honesty: Always tell the truth, don’t put any gloss on just tell it like it actually happened.

Positive Attitude: Look for the good in others. Always speak well of others or don’t speak at all. Be prepared for the good things to come your way, and they will.


VOKSEE: What’s in a Name?